Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Howdy!  How was your holiday?  Ours ended up being very low key with the stomach flu invading, yuck.  But, it was nice just to find a bit of time to relax and play games with the kiddos.

Speaking of the kids, I wanted to share a bit of their rooms that helps keep me sane.  I have mentioned before that we live in a teensy house.  You come in the back door, you are in the kitchen.  You come in the front door, you are in the living room.  No foyer, no mudroom, no garage.  Cheryl, bummed.  LOL.

You know what this means, right?  Book bags, coats, STUFF left all over the place.  For us, this causes people to fall over things and we were constantly moving things from place to place.  Drives me bonkers!
Their stuff needed a HOME.  Insert IKEA.  Don't we all just love it?  I decided to purchase their kitchen rods and hooks to use in their bedrooms.  At their LEVEL of reach.  Wowser.  What a difference!
I just luuurrveee when everything has a place.  Don't you?  Even buckets for their winter hats, and as they grow older, keys, ipods and such.  Ya know, doodads.  
It's so nice to say to my 3 and 5 year old - go put your stuff away, hang it up where it belongs.  This Mommy is not tripping over stuff or picking up anymore!  [Now, if we could only convince the scrumptious hubby to find a place for all his crap really important piles of really important stuff]

Have a great week!  Thanks for coming over to say hello!

Linking up over at these fantastic blogs!

Love of Family and Home
Thrifty Decor Chick - It's the Little Things Party
All Things With Purpose 


  1. Love Ikea! I used the same black rods and hooks to organize my jewelry :)

  2. Oh how I wish Ikea was closer!! Thanks for linking up at Whatever Goes Wednesday.
