Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Hey there!  Fall is finally here.  I am so excited.  Last weekend finally felt like fall weather and I was totally craving apple cider and football! Can I get an aw yeah?  

How is your GOLD month going?  Don't forget to visit the links at the bottom of the page to lend your support for Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month!  

Sooo.... It's that time to start breaking out the fall decor and making the house feel warm and cozy.  I have to tell you that this post is monumental for me.  I made this wood sign all by my lonesome!  
What?!? That's right, I cut all the wood, screwed it all together and stained / painted it.  Normally, I'm not allowed to cut the wood or put things together. It's not my scrumptious hubs fault.  I kind of have a bit of, um, history with accidentally injuring myself.  LOL.  But, he let me use the power saw.  WOO HOO!  

Funny enough, he came over and asked me if he could put of the screws in the wood.  He can't resist my craziness - insert maniacal laugh here.

I cut a 1X4 into 5 - 22" inch pieces.  I cut additional lengths to attach the pieces together vertically in the back.  Before screwing them together I used sandpaper to take away the hard edges, making it look a bit worn.  

I stained the entire piece and let dry.  Find a fall picture you like and print out to the size that works for you.  I used painter's tape to add my leaf to the sign.  Then, just paint over with cream paint.  Remove the paper and you will have a cool outline.  
Remembering to go GOLD, I cut out "grateful" with my Cricut and used the outline to paint the lettering on the sign with gold paint.  Perfect touch!  

The sign was placed on top of my pantry and I added a few touches to make a fall vignette.  The kiddos gathered up a bunch of acorns from the yard to fill my mason jars and a "cup running over."  ;)!
The Boo and I picked some sticks and glue dotted leaves to them.  I also purchased a couple of pumpkins from Hob Lob to complete the look.  
To keep up with the gold theme, I added gold paint to the smaller pumpkin in the ridges and stem.  I also colored in the metal leaves on the cream pumpkin (they were purple) with a gold sharpie.  
So simple and what an impact the wood sign is!  Bring on fall! I'm loving this weather.  
Please remember that My Cup Runneth Over is recognizing Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September by going gold - the color to represent this month.  Please lend your support to the below websites.

Alex's Lemonade Stand is an organization that raises money and sponsors events to support families of children with cancer as well as fund research to find a cure.  Click Here to visit their site to learn 30 easy ways you can help raise awareness!

In relation to Alex's Lemonade Stand, go on over to Auntie Anne's!  They are currently running a promotion through September 26th that benefits Alex's Lemonade Stand and you get a FREE pretzel during their happy hours.  YUM!

I hope you are having a great week!  Keep spreading the gold! 

Linking up with these falltastic blogs!!
Thrifty Decor Chick


  1. Great fall arrangement!! Love fall. Cous Valerie will love this.

  2. This is awesome - you are very talented!
