Monday, September 2, 2013


Happy September!!  I have a big announcement today that I am very honored to be sharing with you! 

A few weeks ago, a special friend of mine and fellow blogger, Pauline, wrote a post challenging her readers to go for the GOLD.  What exactly does that mean, you ask?  
This is a picture of our kids.  Her Sam and my Boo.  They love one another.  It's the sweetest thing and we cherish their childhood love.  They look like two happy kids, sitting at a baseball game, enjoying the outdoors.  What's the difference between the two?  One thing.  Sam has leukemia.  The big C word.  Cancer.  

Hits you right in the gut.  I remember when Sam was diagnosed.  What can you say to your dear friend?  In our conversations since, Pauline and I have talked about the fact that childhood cancer eludes our sense of reality.  We weren't aware it really happens until it did.  It's something that you don't even hear about until it happens to you or someone close to you.  Then you realize it is everywhere.  

You see pink, you know it means breast cancer awareness.  It is important to know.  To help those affected by a monster.  But did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?  GOLD.  Gold is the color for this month.  To tell someone about childhood cancer, to look up your local pediatric cancer organization and lend a hand, some time and a whole lot of love.  

Pauline and I love to write our blogs.  They may reach different communities of bloggers, but I believe that this month we should come together.  This blog is my way of sharing my love of crafty things.  I generally don't share personal beliefs, and try to keep things light around here.  This month, however, I have been challenged.  Challenged to help spread the word for Sam, for us to remember the gold.  

All of the crafty projects I'm working on this month are gold themed.  Each time I post my normal craftiness, I will also share a couple of other sites to help you spread the word about Childhood Cancer.  

Please share them, tell 5 people that September is all about the GOLD.  I challenge all of you to help these brave families share awareness.  Make your own gold craft to share, share a local website that helps promote the gold, or patronize a business that donates to Pediatric Cancer Research.  

And please, go over to Pauline's website Chemo and Donuts, to read Sam's story and hers.  She amazes me everyday with her strength, mama bear passion, and her laughter.  I am lucky to be a part of their lives.  Do it up folks!!! GO FOR THE GOLD!

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