Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Happy Tuesday!  How are you?  Getting ready for your holiday?  I spent most of the weekend in full Christmas mode.  I was decorating, baking (can't wait to share that with you!!), watching the pretty snow fall and Christmas crafting with the kiddos.  Bliss.  True bliss.

One of the things I enjoy most about the holiday is giving to others.  I want to teach my kids about doing nice things and surprising others with a bit of holiday cheer.  If I could sing, we would totally Christmas carols, but this girl is totally tone deaf!  So, I must come up with other ways to give.  

This year I made some mailbox swag for our friends with fresh greens.  I packed up the kids and we secretly decorated our friends mailboxes.  After we were done, we knocked on the door to say Merry Christmas!  What an amazing blessing we get from seeing their eyes twinkle!

Here's how I made the swag:
Buy some fresh cut greens from your local nursery or produce place.  I suggest buying a variety - cedar, white pine, pine, etc.  I purchased bundles that had a variety for only about 3.50 each.  
Make even amounts of each kind of branches and start with the longest ones.  I used a bucket to mimic the shape of the mailboxes.  
1.  Lay the first branches in opposite directions and secure with wire.  (you may need a bit a help to make it tight)  2.  Continue to add the differing branches in opposite directions to the original bundle - going from longer to shorter, securing again each time you add another set of branches.  3.  Close up of how to secure.  

4.  Gather decorative items to add to your branch bundles.  I used ornaments from the dollar store, ribbon and bows I made.  (see below) 5 & 6.  Add the ornaments by cutting 2 pieces of ribbon or twine to 2 lengths.  Tie an ornament on each end and secure to middle of your bundle. (Don't you just love those little pine cones!!)
Here is how to make the bow.  Wrap ribbon around itself, making sure to have 4 loops on each side.  Secure tightly in the center.  Once secure pull loops out, 1 at a time, and twist up toward the middle.  Alternate sides of the loops until they are all pulled up and arrange as desired.  It really is much simpler than it looks, as long as you have wired ribbon!

I secured the ribbon, as well as one long piece to hang down on each side, to my bundle of branches.  Last, but not least, secure a tag with your greeting.  I just wrote Merry Christmas on one side and signed the back.  

Here's how ours turned out!  We took some extra wire and just secured to the mailboxes.
Our friends were very happy to see us and their fun decor.  Now they make all their neighbors jealous ;).  I hope you are having a wonderful holiday - spreading joy and cheer wherever you may be!  XOXO,

Linking up with:
Thrifty Decor Chick 2013 Holiday Party
Link Party Palooza - Tater Tos and Jello


  1. love the pictures!!! Those lucky friends!! I am sure you are right that the neighbors are jealous..

  2. So sweet of you! I love this. I bet your friends love it too.

    1. Thanks Brandi! Thanks for coming over to say hi! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!! Note to readers: Check out Brandi's PB Knock off Holly Pillow!! Don't you just LOVE it?!?!? I know I do! http://bet1975.blogspot.com/2013/12/pottery-barn-inspired-holly-berry.html
