Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Well, hello! How have you been?  So nice of you to visit me!  

I am now fully in the Valentine's Day mood, are you?  I have been working on a small V-Day vignette and came up with this simple yarn art to add to it.  
It was very easy and the only thing I had to buy was yarn!  Not too bad for only $3.00.  

Here's what you will need:
Picture frame
Piece of white card stock
Yarn of your choice
Large eye needle (Yarn darner)
Spray Glue

Draw a heart on your 8X10 card stock.  I also added the word love to mine, but that is totally up to you.  Spray the paper with the glue and lay your cheesecloth over top.  This is just to hold it in place to make it a bit easier to work with.  Make sure to pierce the paper with holes as close together as you can, all the way around the heart.
Thread your needle with the yarn and, starting at the point of the heart, just go around from side to side.  I didn't want mine to be perfect.. more organic. If it was off a little bit, no biggie.  Because the yarn was so tight in the paper, I really didn't even need to knot it at the end.  
Once I was done adding my yarn, I placed in a white frame.  I just adore how the cheesecloth adds that little bit extra!  I love a great texture combo.  It really was a simple project that only took about 30 mins.  
Do you have anything special you are making this Valentine's Day?  I would love to hear from you!  
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Linking up at the these fantastic blogs!
Just a Girl and her Blog
Lil' Luna
Love of Family and Home
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Reasons to Skip the Housework


  1. This is really nice and does look not too hard, I may able to even do it.....Great idea for on a shelf or on the wall...like it!!!

  2. SO pretty and so simple...my kind of project! I'd love for you to come link up at Skip The Housework Saturday, live now! http://www.reasonstoskipthehousework.com/skip-housework-saturday/

    1. HI Melanie! Thanks so much for your comment - I'm so excited to link up to your new party! Have a great weekend! XO, Cheryl

  3. This is so pretty! Love the light cheesecloth on the back! Thanks for linking up at " Hit Me With Your Best Shot Link party!" Hope to see you again tonight!
