Monday, March 18, 2013


I was so scared to write this blog.  I was in it, feet first, but very unsure of myself.  Looking back, I know now that I love doing this.  It is much more work than I thought.  Reading other bloggers that inspire me, I felt like they were always having fun, ya know?

So, in the interest of FUN.... I thought I would share some more.. wink, wink, personal stuff.

{ 10 Random Things About Cheryl }

*1*  I have weird, weird food dislikes... I hate cubed cheese, won't eat it;  I do NOT chew gum, and I have my kids convinced they don't either.  [insert maniacal laugh here]

*2*  I absolutely love Shakespeare.  No, really, LOVE.  On stage, in a movie.  LOVE.  (I pretty much love me some literature...)

*3*  I can make a bunny face. wrinkled nose and all.  Nope, totally not showing you, but my kids think it's hilarious.

*4*  My husband and I met while I was working at a school and he was a student there- GASP!  It's not as shocking as it sounds.. He was 22 and I was 24.  We are going to be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary in Oct!!! 

*5*  I have a deep aversion to certain words... slacks. pocketbook. Don't ask me why, just cringing hearing them.

*6*  My favorite TV Shows are: Suits, Nashville, Arrow, The Lying Game and The Big Bang Theory.  My favorite ALL TIME TV show is... Buffy.

*7*  During college, I tried to learn to be ambidextrous.  Listen, my senior colloquium class was SU-PER boring... even the name of it sounds boring, right?
*8*  The song I sang to my kids when they were babies was "Grandma's Feather Bed" by John Denver.

*9*  Scarves and coats.  I am totally addicted.  I love the look of a scarf, small, big, doesn't matter.  And coats... if only I had more room.  *sigh*

*10*  When I grow up, I want to be my mom.  
Just a little glimpse about me.  It's fun to put a little more of yourself out there, and I thought, after a year, you might want to know more about me.

This blog is such a great outlet.  I love to write, conversationally, of course.  This is such an awesome way to do it.  

Plus, I get to share all my love of crafts, etc. with you! I've always loved having craft night with my girlfriends over the years and now, this blog allows me to include all of you in my "crazy craft night" with big open arms.  What can I say? I'm a hugger.  

I can't express to you enough how much I appreciate your kind words, encouragement and at times, kick in the pants.  I hope to continue sharing and would love for you to grab a mug and a blanket and hang out with me for a spell.


1 comment:

  1. I hate the term slacks and pocketbooks too...drives me nuts...lolol Happy Anniversary friend...xoxoxo
