Thursday, March 21, 2013


Welcome back.. so glad you came by today!

A while back I told you about my addiction love of making headbands to go with everything.  I admit, the novelty has not worn off.  I'm still a headband making machine.  The problem?  Where do you go with them?  I don't want them to be squished in a bin of some sort. 

I also knew The Boo's room was redone, and she would need something to hold hers.  
I was awaiting a trip to the hardware store to buy the needed supply for the idea that was in my noggin when something happened.  Doesn't that always happen when you are totally set on how you are going to do something? 

I had to order printer ink for my much used printer.  When the box arrived from Staples it came with this.  
And for some reason, I thought, boy that would be great to put headbands on.... weird, I know.  I think my brain is programmed to not throw things away, but reuse them in some way.  So, here's what I did.
I added some glittery paper to the ends with sticky tape stuff and then covered the whole thing in white fabric.  I didn't use scrapbook paper for the middle because I thought the fabric would keep the headbands from slipping off better. 

To match her room I added some green rick-rak and a flower just like her bulletin board.  I turned it on it's side and hot glued that baby to a candlestick from IKEA.  Oh yeah!! 
So fun!  It actually holds at least 10 headbands and looks great in her Big Girl LadyBug room.  I love a cute organizer and this fit the bill!  The good news is it only cost me 7.00 for the candle stick and the rest I had.  Awesome!

What do you think?  If you love it - pin away!  You can use the little P in the corner of my pics to pin them.  I added it just for you!  
I hope you have a great weekend! Thank you so much for stopping in!  Please feel free to say HI below in a comment.  XOXO
Linking up with!

Someday Crafts
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. adorable...I can never throw anything away either....LOLOLOL

  2. This is SO cute! I wear a lot of headbands, especially right before it's time to visit the stylist. :) What a great and cute way to hold and display them! Thanks for sharing and am pinning! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. super resourceful and smart. you've now got me eyeing up a shipping container that came for me at work.

    1. I am so glad you like it! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Hugs, Cheryl

  4. My headbands are starting to take over, so I LOVE this idea. Especially since it's cheap and easy! Thanks for linking up at Whatever Goes Wednesday. We'll be featuring your project tomorrow, so come check it out if you have a minute. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the little P in the corner of your pictures. :D
    I'm hoping there'll be some leftover plastic pipe tubes from the house renovation for me to glam up. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Great Idea Hani! Anything tube-like would work. I'm so happy you came by! ~Hugs, Cheryl

  6. That was such a cute idea. You sound a lot like myself, don't want to throw anything away. My eyes light up and my husband groans. There are so many wonderful and easy things to make. Keep up the good ideas.
