Thursday, March 28, 2013


Happy Thursday!  What a crazy weekend for us!  The Bug's birthday was this past week and there were tons of special things going on!  More on that later!  

I don't know about you, but this nutty weather in March has got me all mixed up.  It's warm outside, it's snowing, it's nice outside, it's snowing... you get the idea.  Well, lucky for me, the scrumptious hubby and I took advantage of one nice weekend to tackle a project that has been in my brain for months!

We recently went from an old clunker tube TV to a flat screen in our basement.  The problem?  The previous TV cabinet was just not built for a flat screen. 
It was a beautiful cabinet, but too deep to really fit anywhere else.  It had to go, but you know I don't like to get rid of things so easily.  I mean, I paid for it, why not use it somewhere else?  So I decided it had to be skinnier.  [Enter hubs looking at me like I fell from the crazy train]

It would make a great pantry in our itty bitty (no, really) teensy kitchen.  Here's what he did:
We brought it outside and marked the new depth.  The hubs then took the back off (save this to put back in the end) and starting from the top, removed one piece at a time to cut to the new depth.  
Let me just say, that if your cabinet is glued together or particle board, this would probably not work.  We tried to figure out a way to just saw it in half, but it ended up that almost the entire cabinet had to come apart.  
We saved all the screws, laid out all the pieces as we went and soon we were building it back up.  It may be hard to tell from the pictures but the cabinet went from 28 inches deep to 15 inches!  I am so giddy with excitement!  
Now, I get to "design" a pantry and get organizing stuff!  At this point, I am thinking the cabinet color will change and we will also need to add shelves, but I promise to show you the finished product once I get done.  
It looks great in the kitchen! It's the kitchen itself that needs a REDO!! The cabinet, though, is like a new piece of furniture and the possibilities are wide open.  ;)  Have you ever altered a piece of furniture in your home?  Made something more functional?  I would love to hear about it!  

Thanks so much for stopping in today! 


  1. Love it lips!!! To bad I only buy particle board cheap!!

  2. Such a great way to repurpose that cabinet!

  3. As the Mom I watched TV from the cabinet and also watched the cutting process and now using as the storage in the looks like it was bought for that purpose, you cannot even tell..great way to save. Very proud of you
