Saturday, June 8, 2013


What's up all?  How has your week been?  I'm so happy to finally be able to eat comfortably outside with the fam!  It really has been an amazing few days here.

Way back, I showed you pictures of my flea market fan find.  I couldn't wait to spray paint it and put it somewhere special.  Well, time flies, spray painting went poorly was a gigantic FAIL.  I put it on a shelf to do at a later time and..... yup, it stayed there.

Over the weekend, while painting some "other" stuff (Can't wait to show you!!) I dragged it back out for some love along with the cool nickel spray paint I had from Lowe's.
The hubs was even sweet enough to dismantle it for me so I could spray it with ease.  I was a bit concerned when we put it back together it wouldn't run, but lo and behold! It works!
So here's the sneak peek of our master bedroom.  This is just my nightstand that I love from IKEA.  I love the color of it - a grayish-brown!  
Perfect for our bedroom, because we are making it completely neutral in color.  I have some lots of ideas for the room, but we have now lived here 6 years and it has yet to make the re-do list.  

I would be happy with just a bit of paint on the walls instead of the white!  It's a mishmash of furniture too.  Pieces from all different times of our lives!

Hopefully, it will come together in the next year, but I'm not holding my breath!  :)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!  Please let me know you stopped by, and leave a comment below!  I would love to hear from you!

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