Friday, July 19, 2013


Happy Friday All!!  I hope you had a great week!  It's been super stinkin' hot here in the Northeast and I'm praying for some relief by Sunday.  

We have been slowly working on our master bedroom lately... I really don't expect it to be done anytime soon, but I wanted to show you a piece I finished.  I am totally in love with it.  
You all know from my past posts that I really hate to throw things away that I think I can make into something else.  This project was no exception.  I utilized wooden boards from an old crate that was my grandfather's.  I had used it as an outdoor decoration for years, but it started to fall apart.  I just couldn't throw it away.
Our master bedroom is decorated in neutrals so I wanted this to be very rustic looking.  I purchased a board at Michael's and spray painted it white.  I also VERY lightly went over the crate boards with spray paint.  This gave them a weathered look.  (Don't you love my spray paint area?!?!)
I glued the boards down with clear liquid nails.  Once it was dry, I printed out an & symbol I liked and made marks for nails.  This created my string art.  I also had purchased our first name initials on a clearance sale from Kohls. Mercury glass ornaments for $1.50 each!  WOO!  
The scrumptious hubs pre-drilled all the holes for the nails.  This was very important because the boards were so fragile.  We did not want them to crack or split.  I added the nails and just used embroidery floss to "connect the dots."  
What do you think?  A little romance for our bedroom!  Sweet and simple.  Plus, it's a bonus to still have pieces of the crate!  I hope your weekend is fantastic!! 

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  1. it is beautiful and Pop Pop would be very proud

  2. Great job! I am the same way. I save everything that I can use to make something else.

    1. Thanks Sheena! So excited to reuse something so special!
