Friday, August 16, 2013


Hey There!  I apologize for all the technical difficulty this week with the pictures on the blog.  UGH.  Needless to say, I hope you will still come back and visit.  The kinks are being worked out... translation: technical gobblety gook.  

So, I have been slowly working on many projects around the house.  One thing that recently got a bit of an update is the kitchen.  A while back, I showed you how we slimmed down our old TV cabinet to make it a pantry.  When I showed you the finished product it was a blank slate.  Click here to see how we slimmed it down. 

This is what the wall looked like before.
BLAH.  White walls.  Bad molding.  Because it is in the kitchen so close to the stove, it looks terrible.  It was driving me nuts!  I broke out the leftover paint from the dining room and got to work.  I just did the one wall because I'm not entirely sure what I am doing to the kitchen.  
Looks better, right?  I added a frame to the wall and just a couple items on top of the pantry.  I just love a bit of greens!  Makes things feel fresh.
The frame on the wall is something I was so happy to finally complete.  I'll be sharing a tutorial on Tuesday on how I did it - plus, of course, closer pictures.  I hope you have a great weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!  

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