Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Happy Tuesday!  I am gearing up for school to start next week!  I'm working on something fun for the tweens.  Can't wait to show you!

For now though, I wanted to show you my framed cookie cutters.  I have been receiving many gifts from my grandmothers.  I just love knowing that I can use the same cookie cutters they used when I was a kid.  It's so special for me and for my kiddos.  
I was putting all my cutters in a tin to store them and I realized that they were just too cool to hide away.  I wanted to show them off!  Here's how I did it.
1.  Materials: large frame, thick piece of cork board (I used 2 - 12X12 pieces together), a piece of fabric to cover the cork, a hot glue gun, Liquid Nails Clear Sealant, and straight pins (preferably with heads).  

2.  Clean the glass really well on your frame.  Lay cork on top of fabric and hot glue edges to the back side of the cork, making sure to pull it tightly.  

3.  After hot gluing fabric on cork, spread the Liquid Nails Clear Sealant over the back side of the cork.  Place back side down onto the top of your glass frame.  I put it on the glass for easier clean-up.  Also, you can always change out the paper / fabric behind the glass in the frame for each season if you wish.  
Pull out all your cookie cutters and arrange them on the fabric covered cork.  Once you have them where you want them, place straight pins in the cork for the cookie cutters to "hang" on.  You may need to place the pins where they can go through holes in the cutters. 
I wanted mine to be invisible, so I tried to hide the pins the best I could.  There you go!  A cute frame for your kitchen with hanging memories!  Plus, the fun part is, I can take them off at anytime, wash it off, and use it!  
It made my kitchen feel a bit more complete.  I'm so happy with the result!  Have you done anything fun with your family's memories?  I would love to hear about it!  

Have a happy week y'all!

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